Oakland Township Millage
  • Major funding comes from the Oakland Township Safety Paths and Trails millage, voted in 2006 at a tax rate of 25 cents per $1000 of property value and renewed in 2016 at a tax rate of 17 cents per $1000 of property value.
  • Millage can pay 100% of costs for land for paths and trails, plus construct and maintain a township-wide network of paths and trails.
  • Paths/trails in Oakland Township Parks are built and managed by the Oakland Township Parks & Recreation Commission, and are not within the township network. 

Grants to Oakland Township

  • The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) offers funds for acquisition and development of paths and trails.
  • The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) offers funds for the development of non-motorized paths/trails along highways.
  • In both cases, a mix of federal and state funds are awarded to communities on a project-by-project basis, with communities providing a matching amount of 25 to 50% of the total cost.
  • Safety paths and trails are in the Township Master Plan, and this SPT Strategy Plan qualifies the Township for state and federal grants. 

Donations of Land & Easements 

  • Critical to growth of the path & trail system is a landowner’s donation of an easement permitting the Township to use needed land to locate a path/trail - OR actual donation of the required land.
  • Your donation of an easement or land may qualify as a charitable donation for income tax purposes, in addition to serving your community by providing a safe route for walking, cycling and riding.
  • If you are interested in donating land or an easement, click here or contact Township Manager, Adam Kline, at akline@oaklandtownship.org.     

Subdivision Development

  • Oakland Township’s design standards require subdivision developers to include “adequate pedestrian and bicycle circulation... including external on the border of the development adjacent to road rights-of- way.”
  • This standard supports growth of a path/trail system, linking subdivisions with schools, parks, other residential areas, and allows the SPTC to work with developers in creating a community benefit.
  • Paths in subdivisions are typically maintained by their Homeowner’s Association.